All aboutour organization
Los Angeles Alliance for Community Health & Aging - LAACHA - enhances access and impact of culturally competent health interventions for at risk older adults in Los Angeles through community and health system collaborations.
We are a strategic alliance that brings together
community leaders and organizations
representing health care, older adults, persons with
disabilities, academia, and public agencies
to explore and identify opportunities to align, leverage
resources, and expand the reach and
impact of effective community interventions,
science informed and evidence based practices
to address health equity and advance population health.
We are part of Los Angeles Purposeful Aging (PALA), the
world-wide initiative that seeks to
make the LA region more age friendly and that promotes
healthy and active aging and a good
quality of life for diverse older adults.
We create spaces for face-to-face conversations and give
our members and community
partners opportunities to network, gain new knowledge,
explore, and generate new ideas,
develop solutions, and take action.
We bridge the divides that exist among cross-sector
organizations by sharing information,
fostering collaboration, and supporting shared goals.
A community where all residents are taking action to
improve their health and well being and
can access effective community based health programs.
Through multi sector collaborations, increase
access, reach and impact of effective,
and linguistically competent, community interventions,
and community informed and
evidence based health promotion educational programs for
older adults, those with
disabilities, and family caregivers in Los Angeles
In 2018, after careful deliberation, LAACHA shifted its
orientation from Evidence Based
Practice (EBP) focus to a broader public health
perspective. As part of its new direction, with
an overarching goal of advancing population health,
improving health equity and reducing
health disparities, LAACHA will address older adult
biopsychosocial health concerns and
determinants of health.
We recognize, value, and celebrate the diversity among
individuals and communities.
We seek to increase the capacity of communities to
support regional public health
strategies/plans for reducing disparities in health and
well being across the municipalities and
communities in the county.
We involve impacted individuals and communities at all
levels of the practice with an effective,
multi sector approach (e.g., services design,
development, dissemination, implementation,
We promote the integration of care for chronic
conditions with physical and behavioral health,
and the utilization of effective community and evidence
informed health promotion practices
and programs.
We believe in and will pursue the need for ongoing and
sustainable funding support.
The LAACHA Steering Committee provides support,
guidance, and overall organizational
insight as LAACHA launches its New Direction Plan. The
Steering Committee may be
composed of up to nine agency positions, whose personnel
belong to either governmental
agencies or community based organizations. The current
LAACHA Steering Committee
members are Los Angeles County Departments of Mental
Health, Health Services, Aging and
Disability and Public Health; the City of Los Angeles
Department of Aging; Leonard Davis
School of Gerontology, University of Southern
California; Partners in Care Foundation; Watts
Labor Community Action Committee; Wise & Healthy Aging,
the Front Porch and community
and family caregiver representatives.
Within the context of collaborative leadership, we have
brought together cross-sector
partners to address complex issues such as:
- Chronic Disease Prevention & Self management
- Social Isolation and Loneliness
- Geriatrics Workforce Capacity Building
- Substance Use and Misuse
- Health Disparities
- Innovative Tech Supported Solutions & Digital Inclusion
- Racial Justice
- Later Life Intimate Partner Violence
- Aging Immigrant Policy and Advocacy
- Older Adult Housing & Economic Stability
- Cancer Survivor Shared Decision Making
To provide the structure to support the implementation of LAACHA New Direction, with guidance and support from Steering Committee, staff, and subject matter experts, our committees: Help clarify and communicate LAACHA’s new vision.
Provide members with opportunities to engage and give input on big vision, goals, and objectives.
Capacity Building Committee
To create and enhance competences, the Capacity Building Committee with develop a structure to enable the development of membership capacities.Responsibility:
The Capacity Building Committee works:
- To assess capacity building needs
- To identify capacity building overall priorities
- To identify and or develop tools to support capacity building efforts
- To identify educational, training, and technical assistance opportunities
- To develop an action plan with short, mid and long term recommendations.
Innovations Committee
To identify, support and promote emerging community informed processes and practices that positively impact older adult health and wellbeing by improving access, quality of care, individual and population health, and reducing costs.Responsibility:
The Innovations Committee works:
- To assess community needs
- To identify innovative community informed solutions
- To identify and or develop strategies to support and promote innovative solutions.
- To develop an action plan with short, mid, and long term recommendations.
Outcomes & Evaluation Committee
The purpose of the Outcomes & Evaluation Committee is to help reduce disparities and improve older adult health outcomes across racial/ethnic groups through outcome identification, tracking, and reporting.Responsibility:
The Outcomes & Evaluation Committee works to:
- To Identify potential areas for improvement.
- Develop valid, reliable outcome measures.
- Identify strategies to help reduce disparities through performance measurement.
- To develop an action plan with short, mid and long term recommendations.
Racial Justice Committee
The purpose of the LAACHA Racial Justice Ad-hoc Committee is to lead and support the development and implementation of LAACHA’s Racial Justice and Health Equity efforts. The following are the objectives established by the Committee.Responsibility:
The Racial Justice Ad-hoc Committee works to:
- Review data (LAACHA Survey data and any other relevant data available) pertaining to coalition members’ and clients’ needs and assets to ensure racial justice and health equity.
- Assess how racial justice and health equity can be incorporated into other pertinent topic areas (e.g., Social Isolation, Capacity building/Funding, Partnerships-Collaboration) and/or in the LAACHA Committees.
- Propose next steps for how LAACHA can take specific actions to support its members’ efforts— and keep identification/awareness and addressing/confronting issues of racial justice and health equity—at the forefront.
We Need You!
Our alliance brings together community leaders and organizations representing health care, older adults, persons with disabilities, academia, and public agencies to expand the reach and impact of effective community interventions that address health equity and advance population health for older adults in Los Angeles and their caregivers.